It is also virtually impossible to Mod (very low base stability+no real tools to help). Still Daggerfall is old-school, 320x200 resolution in 256 colours, with a fairly clunky UI, difficult/impossible to run well on modern hardware/OS and many of today’s gamers can't get over those 'issues'(more shame them!).
Daggerfall is my personal favourite of TES, and I dedicated a big fat thread to it on poly years back. I've been playing one character on and off for over 6 years now and haven’t even started the main quest line (other than the important starting bit you 'have' to do to keep it open). Daggerfall was the first TES game I played, and coming to it late I could enjoy a reasonably stable game and fell in love with the crpg system and wide open gameplay. Intro: Why play Massively Modded Morrowind(MMMorrowind)?
EDIT: Work in Progress(99.9% complete) - most info i'm happy with, but when i'm done this notice will change to 'Final version' so you know it's complete and updated etc.